Saturday, March 14, 2009


we live in the inner sunset and for ages we've been lamenting that all of the pizza in our 'hood is mediocre at best.

recently we went to our friends for dinner and they ordered pizza from a nearby pizza place that we always find disappointing by the time it gets delivered - normally the crust is not quite right and it's usually soggy by the time it arrives.

the pizza at our friends was amazing.

here's their secret:

they preheat the oven at 350 degrees after they call in the pizza. when it arrives, they take the top off of the pizza box and stick the pizza in the oven for 10 minutes. and it's a brand new pizza. (they also get feta cheese and italian sausage as toppings. soooo good.)

speaking of pizza, according to the new york times, there's a vending machine that makes pizza for you in italy. sounds kind of tempting, doesn't it?

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