Tuesday, February 14, 2012

g and i have never really been big valentine's day people. our 1st valentine's day g made me a delicious dinner. he's made me tons of delicious dinners since that night, but never again on valentine's day. i do like to remind him of this.

but when you have a kid it all changes.

i kind of got into it this year. this meant i made each child a card and spent valentine's day eve with the masses at target, buying bags, temporary tattoos, candies and other crap.

i loved every minute of it.

not exactly what i had in mind. i wanted glassine bags, twine, and natural candy*, but this is what i could get my hands on at 8:30 at night on valentine's eve.



and this is what he was wearing when g picked him up from school

Little Valentine

* i'm sure the parents were cursing my name when they saw the chemical-laden candies i gave to their children.

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