Friday, January 6, 2012

365 projects

fun stuff to check out:



Rules are meant to be…followed! Kate and I made up a rule-based project / game for Instagram in this new year. We’ve given ourselves a photographic assignment for each day of the work week. We call it #y12k which is meant to indicate the year 2012. Turns out that it literally translates to the Year Twelve Thousand which makes it even more awesome.

Here are the rules:

Monday #mondaycolor

Take a photo of something containing a color. Each week rotates through ROY G. BIV. The first week was Red, this week was Orange (we actually started #y12k the last week of December ‘11), next Monday will be Yellow, and so on.

Tuesday #typetuesday

Photograph some typography that catches your eye.

Wednesday #patternwednesday

Photograph, you know, a pattern.

Thursday #thursdaything

Take a picture of a singular object. It can be anything as long as it’s a self-contained thing and you find it interesting. Tell us about it (this applies to all of them by the way)

Friday #fridayfocus

This one’s about focusing on the media you’re into at the moment. It can be music, movies, tv shows, books. Just take a picture of it and share it with us all.

check it out here.

365 days of hand lettering from lisa congdon.

she says:
I am so happy to announce my daily project for 2012: 365 Days of Hand Lettering!

Today is the first day.

The project will be housed here on this blog. Each day for 365 days for the year 2012 I will post an image of something I have hand-lettered: a letter of the alphabet, a word, a phrase, a quote, a name. Some of the lettering will be based on traditional forms of calligraphy or vintage lettering and some will be of my own design. I am taking a calligraphy class right now and will certainly incorporate much of what I learn and practice there. I will be mostly working with ink, nibs and brushes, but will occasionally use pens. Some of the designs will be quite simple and some more elaborate.

check it out here.

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