Monday, January 17, 2011


when we lived in san francisco, we never finished decorating our bedroom. it was the last room in the house and it was like we got too tired to go on. and maybe, that was it. i was pregnant and not super motivated and then ollie arrived and we never gave it another thought.

now i have plans for our room. it includes, a headboard, more pillows, a chair of some sort (for all the reading i don't do anymore) and maybe even a bedskirt. (do beds still wear skirts these days? and also, is it bedskirt or bed skirt? i googled it and it's both ways.)

anyway, here's our comforter:


you can find it at anthropologie. i found ours at jeremys for a fraction of what we would've paid at anthropologie.

i'm liking these pillows:

1.2011 blog 3

1.2011 blog 2

1.2011 blog 1

pillows from here.

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