Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Etsy: Little Put Books

Growing up I had a friend named Anne.  She lived around the block from me and for a while I spent a fair amount of time playing at her house.  
One time I said the word sexy and she told me it was a bad word.  
One time I pulled a plug out of the socket, by pulling the cord part.  She told me it was a bad thing to do and she was sure it was by accident.
Her mom sold Mary Kay so we'd play with make up.
They had a microphone that hooked up to their stereo.  We'd plug it in and sing "Do Run Run." Over and over and over again.

They had a wall in behind their kitchen table that was covered in wallpaper that was a huge photograph of a waterfall. These pictures from Little Put Books remind me of the wallpaper at Anne's house.  In a good way. I want these:

This would be great in the (my!) kitchen:

One more:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dear and cupcake photo i have in my bathroom is this girls stuff. me like too :)